

墜機身亡75年…長眠飛機墓 楊清溪想飛就飛
【記者陳金聲/高雄市 報導】
高雄市右昌公墓早期有座飛機造型的「楊清溪墓」,埋葬的是一名青年環台飛行的夢想;七十五年前的今天,年僅廿七歲的楊清溪,從台北出發,嘗試成為首位環島 飛行的冒險家,結果起飛不久就墜機身亡。 楊清溪當年駕駛名為「高雄號」的螺旋槳飛機失事後,家人特地為他打造同款飛機造型的墓園,骨灰安置機腹中,機首的螺旋槳為墓碑,是全台僅見的造型墓。
長眠「飛機墓」的楊清溪是清末 秀才,為高雄右昌望族楊雲階三子,家境富裕。廿二歲赴日求學,當時父母已亡故,由於家大業大,兩名哥哥希望他學商,回來管理家業。
不料,他卻「志在凌雲,且要回台完成環島飛行」;楊家子弟楊維賢表示,最初家人決定「斷絕金援」逼他改變志向;他從此與兄長「冷戰」,不惜翻臉,在日本 「半工半讀」過活。
楊的兄長最後心有不捨,決定幫助他完成心願,向日本陸軍購得二三○匹馬力的「薩爾牟遜型」偵察機,取名為「高雄號」。文獻記載,楊清溪是第五位台籍飛行 員。
楊維賢說,這次試飛,楊清溪飛抵右昌故鄉時低飛繞了三圈,居民齊聚廟前放炮迎接,楊還低飛到右昌公墓上空,向父母墓園投花以示悼念。沒想到這些都是楊清溪 的第一次,也是最後一次。
他表示,因為這趟試飛受制天候,飛抵屏東就折返。十一月三日再度試飛,當天飛往台北帝國大學(台大前身),低空向正舉行的「台北州聯合運動會」大會致敬, 拉起機頭時失速墜地。
楊清溪壯志未酬的遭遇,流傳至今,因市府決定將公墓改建為公園,新的飛機墓已遷葬高雄縣「三信墓園」。楊家後代不願張揚,低調表示:「年代久遠了,就讓他 靜靜的長伴楊家祖先吧!」
【2009/11/03 聯合報】



桃園機場跑道 超齡使用逾10年

更新日期:2010/07/29 04:11
審 計部昨公布九十八年度中央政府總決算審核報告。審計部指出,交通部運研所曾在一九九九年對亞太地區十座主要國際機場進行研究,當時桃園機場在客運市場的競 爭力仍排名第四,但在各國機場陸續完成擴建、新建後,桃園機場的競爭力就不斷退步;該研究還對桃園機場擬定整體改善策略,但民航局卻未參酌研究辦理改善, 致桃園機場的全球機場服務品質排名,由二○○八年的第十名,滑落至二○○九年的二十七名。
民航局則指出,桃園機場主計畫第二次修訂計畫在八 十八年五月十一日經行政院同意,當時整體環境蓬勃發展,兩岸關係樂觀;但八十九年起,航空市場受國際政經環境影響,碰上政權輪替後,政策方向有重大變化, 兩岸關係緊張,實際運量發展較預期緩慢,對航空發展影響頗鉅。由於機場建設經費龐大,因此調整投資速度,不宜貿然投入建設。






Stephen B Wiley
This picture of Evektor Sportstar N412EV was taken somewhere over the 'Lost Coast' of Northern California, enroute from the south to Shelter Cove (0Q5) airport. It was taken from a Piper Pacer, N1107C. The picture is of myself and my 10yr old son. Feb, 2010

Flying Cars Set to Takeoff in 2011


Omni Aviation welcomes CAAP probe on aviation schools in RP

July 14, 2010, 4:40pm

CLARK FIELD, Pampanga — Omni Aviation Corporation, the country’s No. 1 flying school based in Central Luzon, welcomes the move of the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) to investigate alleged irregularities of flying schools in the issuance of pilots’ licenses.

Capt. Ben Hur Gomez said he fully supports this move by CAAP as this would eliminate unscrupulous flying schools that destroy the reputation of the Philippines as producer of best pilots in the world.

CAAP, together with the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), found that some flying schools allegedly certify pilot’s license course for $30,000 to $50,000.

Some flying schools, according to the NBI, padded their flying hours by logging flights that were not flown.

But this scheme has no place at Omni Aviation as Gomez emphasized that his policy of 100 percent compliance with all the CAAP requirements before issuing a certificate of completion of a pilot’s license course to its students that qualifies them to get a pilot’s license from the CAAP.

“At Omni, we have a policy of no cheating. Flight time padding is strictly prohibited and Solo flight time means the student is alone in the aircraft,” said Gomez, who served with the Philippine Airlines for 38 years, and capped his career as vice president for safety and security.

In fact, Gomez disclosed that Omni was the first one to be investigated unannounced by a seven-man team led by a foreign ICAO consultant.

“We are now 100 percent compliant with all the requirements,” Gomez said.

As testament of patronage to Omni’s quality and honest service, foreign students continue to flock to its Clark Field main branch, prompting Gomez to shortly open another branch in Subic which aims to accommodate more students and to decongest its main branch at Clark Field, Pampanga.

According to Gomez, Omni has five Cessna 152s, one Cessna 172, and one Piper Seneca twin-engine planes deployed to its Subic branch.

Gomez emphasized that Omni’s Subic branch could serve as back-up for its Clark Field School in case of bad weather and other unexpected events.
