

資格不符機師天上飛 印度再揪出14人

更新日期:2011/03/26 00:27 NewTalk 新頭殼
新頭殼newtalk 2011.03.26 王常和/綜合報導
印 度民航發現,最早引爆一連串風波的是1名女機長,她數度在降落時操作不當,後來調查發現,她是以偽造文件手段取得機師執照。民航當局正查核數千張機師執 照,先前至少已有6名機師被捕,分別任職於印航(Air India)、靛藍航空公司(IndiGo)和香捷航空(SpiceJet)等。
14名機師都是在印度西北部的拉吉斯坦國立飛行學校(Rajasthan State Flying School)取得資格證書。目前警方正查閱飛行教練的工作日誌。



政院通過 私人飛機可境內起降

更新日期:2011/03/24 14:59




CSC: DOTC chief can't appoint CAAP executives

By Rudy Santos (The Philippine Star) Updated February 08, 2011 12:00 AM

MANILA, Philippines - The Civil Service Commission (CSC) has voided the appointment of seven directors of the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP), ruling that Transport and Communications Secretary Jose de Jesus had no authority to appoint them.

Stripped of their appointments were Ramon Gutierrez, now CAAP director general; Napoleon Garcia, deputy director general for operations; Wilfredo Borja, assistant director general (Air Traffic Services); Andrew Basallote, assistant director general (Air Navigation Service); Edgardo Costes, assistant director general (Aerodrome Development and Management Service); Wilson Mirabona, assistant director general (Aerodrome Development and Management Service); and Andres Laurilla, assistant director general (Civil Aviation Training Center).

When De Jesus made the appointments in November, then CAAP chief Alfonso Cusi questioned the validity of the appointments because the law stipulates that the CAAP director general shall be the appointing authority for all technical and supervisory personnel. The appointments would also have to be approved by the CAAP board.

Cusi, however, clarified that he did not question the qualifications of the appointees. He resigned in December 2010, saying he felt ignored by his superiors.

In a letter to President Aquino, the CSC said under the law, “the only appointing authority at the CAAP (aside from the CAAP chief), from the lowest to the highest position, is the President of the Philippines.”

The CSC had no objections to the qualifications of the other appointees, but noted that the appointment of Costes was nullified because “he does not meet the 5,000 hours pilot-in-command experience requirement.”

Gutierrez said all seven of them will ask Aquino to validate their appointments.

“We will ask the President to appoint the seven officials by way of going around the CSC restrictions,” he said.
